

Page history last edited by Azhar Youssef 13 years, 9 months ago





Dear Participants,


This is a place for you to post the link to your NEW wiki or blog (created in week 2 and week 4). On this wiki or blog, you will share your creations using your favorite tools or any activities done as you play around during the course. Whenever possible, describe how you use the tools.


If you would like to share previous blogs or wikis, please, use the corresponding column


Thanks :-)



Your name  URL to your wiki or blog and activities - Created for BaW  My old blog /wiki and activities
Ayat Tawel http://msayat11.wikispaces.com http://missayat.blogspot.com
Darlene Penner



Alejandra Rotman 


Nataliya Nayavko




Sonia Chirol     


Maria Bossa 


<a href="/Tryinghttp://quizlet.com/4326689/trying-flash-cards/">Trying</a>  This is my Quizlet for the BaW2011!! :)

Karolina De Vrgna

http://karolinadevrgna.blogspot.com/  http://karolinadevrgna.pbworks.com/w/page/35011538/FrontPage (private)

a simple quiz at quiz revolution

 http://www.mystudiyo.com/ch/a134965/go :)


Lesley Cioccarelli
Belma Gaukrodger

http://kiwibelma.wikispaces.com/ (open to collaboration)

http://kiwibelma.wordpress.com/ (professional blog, with a twist ;-)

http://kiwibelma.shoutem.com/home (a private microblog which anyone can join, once they become a member of shoutem, similar way to Twitter)

http://gaukrodger.com (the family website)

http://www.medianet.co.nz/ (the business site)

Alexandra Koukoumialou


My quiz and SoundCloud:  http://alexandrasworkspace.pbworks.com/w/page/35696772/Week-4


Resources for ICT integration in education

English blog: http://www.ictineducationlebanon.blogspot.com/ 

French blog: http://ictineducationliban.blogspot.com/


Thank you for visiting and adding your comments.


Jennie Delich 


   -Resource links for teachers


   -Resource links for students 

http://slantedsophia.com/ -my very casual personal space ;)
Chris Jones
Svetlana Obenausova


This is my new wiki for this course. This time created in wikispaces.

Here are links to my voxopop discussion called Weather talk


and here my two efforts with VoiceThread




And here goes my blog - well, work in progress, I am slowly adding more to it. http://svetlanaict.blogspot.com/

My survey about this course


My first wallwisher


My first Capzle


My first Prezi



My last year's wiki. Will soon create another one for this year.


An example of Hot Potatoes exercises I create for my students



Nadina Nicolici



Sanja Bozinovic   http://msbozinovic.edublogs.org/




Ida Sessarego 


This a wiki for one of my courses that includes listening, writing, speaking and reading skills.

It has recordings and also a survey for the second week.

I have to confess that I don´t know how to include the worksheets requested.

I haven´t finished  it yet, hope to do it soon.


http://www.wittieproject.org/wiki/In_Our_World/Table_of_Contents/Type_1_Chapters/South_America/Chile/Valparaiso/Universidad_Tecnica_Federico_Santa_Maria  http://comoaprendemos.blogspot.com/







Sue Annan 



Patricia Ceola 




Marisa Constantinides 


My Webheads Blog 



am sorry I haven't managed to find time to create a new wiki :-( 


Teaching & Learning Languages

Marisa Constantinides TEFL Matters

Ξενόγλωσση Παιδεία (my Greek blog)


I have created several wikis for the various courses we offer

(CELTA, DELTA, Translator Training & more)

but they are private. Here are my two public ones:






Juan Domingo Martinez


The main goal of this wiki is to work with teachers from different areas and create short activities integrating the tools the web 2.0 offers us. Why with teachers? I am not working this year with students, I'm a headmaster of school for adutls and I am also de coordinator of Teachers of English who teach at rural schools, I would like to show them what is to work with ICT like.

I created this blog to help students revise English at home and before exams. After three years using it more students have passed their exams and improved their English.


I created this blog as a portfolio of a work done during a year at postdegree on Education and ICT.



Derya Kulavuz-Onal   


I created this blog to share info about several Web 2.0 tools and their use for educational purposes. Later on, I inivted 2 other friends to collaborate. It's still work in progress.


My personal blog that I write and reflect about issues that matter most to me, such as language, culture, teachers, Turkey, as well as daily ordinary things. I write both in Turkish and in English. 

Svitlana Kuzmych  http://lanakuzmych.wikispaces.com/   
Marcia Lima 




Azhar Youssef



Waiting for your comments!




I have designed this wiki for my students in the school year 2010-2011. In this wiki, students have written many essays as an invitation to all people from all over the world to come back to Egypt again after the 25th Jan Revolution.


Waiting for your comments!

My old blog:



My old wiki:

https://sites.google.com /site/missazharclassroom/

Halima Ozimova   

Moderating a discussion at the new thread at the CS Platform " Are you my teacher?!Are you my English teacher?!"


Why here?Because I am for a long time here,there are so many English teachers at this CS Forum.While browsing you discover several threads where we were disseminating on issues like"Multilinguism, Multiculturalism,ESL today,English as a lingua franca, Englishees...





Nadia Mifka-Profozic   http://mylanguagelane.blogspot.com/



Victor Kirillin (Vicinnkir)
the blog  


I tried to make this blog mostly for newbies like me and to help them integrate what the Web suggests into their classes. It`s still rough, then.

Now welcome to my very humble wiki http://sakhaenglish.wikispaces.com/

Very simple surveys for my 5/6-th graders:



Visit my Wallwisher, please



It's first time for me to create a wiki , so It's not a sophesticated one. However I feel so excited as I'm exploring new things every time I work on it. Hopefully,it's going to be a good platform for my students to get interested into Efl learning and  elearning as well.






Avis Benjamin


I did it. I created a Blog

This was my first blog. It is quite simple. I am excited to see the response and toget feel back.

I would like to target other educator on using technology in the classroom  http://teavh36.blogspot.com/

MoiraOkon http://organising-ourselves.wikispaces.com/2   
Marijana Silipa


Here are some classtools I have created for my students using Classtools http://classtools.net/widgets/quiz_1/KHCga.htm but you can also easily check them on my new blog! :)))

I have also created a survey (9Feb) using surveymonkey, http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JHM53JB please check if you have time, you can find the link on my blog too.

I have just recently created my first webpage by using Google sites. check when time it's still in progress - time consuming https://sites.google.com/site/smolceceng/


María Cristina Reboredo


















This is my new wiki.  I had to try hard but finally I got it.



I created this wiki for BAW09 and for a course that, unfortunately, I didn´t teach.  It´s empty, but I think that it´s worth sharing.




I created this blog in 2010 to work with my 6th graders during a class break because of swine flu.  It was relatively successful, but it helped us to keep in touch.




Georgia Psarra







This is my new wiki  http://jopsarraactivities.wikispaces.com

This is my blog although I don't use it much http://jopsarra-europeanschool.blogspot.com



Claudia Carril  





Helene Morzadec

This is only the link to my new glog (I don't have a blog or wiki yet, but I'll try hard to have one very soon...)





Comments (23)

Alexandra K said

at 1:02 pm on Jan 20, 2011

@Lesley Cioccarelli

Hi Lesley! Just checked your blog! WOW!
All I can say is that I hope mine looks like that one day :-D

Hope to get started soon,

Wish me luck,


Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 6:06 pm on Jan 20, 2011

Hello Alexandra,
It is true. Lesley´s blog is fantastic. Of course yours will look great very soon. Blogs grow up really fast.

Juan Domingo Martinez said

at 10:52 pm on Jan 20, 2011

Hello Everybody!

I want to add my URL of my Wiki but I'm not allowed, it is said that I have to request for access, what am I doing wrong? Can you help me please? The same occurs when I want to update my Information and insert the picture, which should be done in the first week.
Juan Domingo

Fernanda Rodrigues said

at 2:16 pm on Jan 21, 2011

Hi Juan
You have to request access to be able to edit the wiki.
On the right top of the wiki you have: To join this workspace, request access. Click on request access and fill in the form as required.
You can see a print screen of that message here:

Juan Domingo Martinez said

at 11:09 pm on Jan 21, 2011

Dear Fernanda,

thanks a lot! I finally did it!!!!!

Juan Domingo

AmalE said

at 10:16 pm on Jan 22, 2011

Dear friends
congratulations on creating your blogs and wikis.I like all of them . I'm on my way to create mine as well.Best wishes

Marisa Constantinides said

at 1:28 pm on Jan 23, 2011

Alexandra, your wikiwork is lovely! I have just been adding everyones's new blogs to my new blog's blogroll . This sounds like a good old tongue twister I just realised. Please vist my new blog and add your comments


Alexandra K said

at 3:33 pm on Jan 23, 2011

Marisa, your new blog looks great!!!
It would take me weeks to put all that together – lol
And the TED talk is excellent :-)
Really inspiring!

I’m now going to try and enrol in the RSS feed,

Wish me Luck!

Yoon Sook Jhee said

at 4:16 pm on Jan 23, 2011

Can I create a blog in another language? There are plenty of blogs in English about technology. I wold like to create a blog in Malay.

Jose Antonio da Silva said

at 8:28 pm on Jan 24, 2011

You sure can. The intention is to play around with the tool.

Good luck

Nadia Mifka said

at 11:58 am on Jan 24, 2011

I've had a look at some of the blgos and wikis, they are all interesting and attractive - agree with Alexandra that Lesley's blog is fantastic. Still have to check many others. I'm running a bit behind but have created my new blog today. Best wishes to everyone! Cheers!

MarijanaS said

at 12:47 pm on Feb 5, 2011

Hello, everybody, here is a newbie talking, I have entered some new informations on the wiki without a problem, finally I didn't give the moderators a headache! :) Please check my blog or a link I have uploaded for some Classtools I have created

sue annan said

at 12:19 am on Feb 6, 2011

Maria, I just tried your survey. It would be interesting to see the final result


at 7:22 am on Feb 6, 2011

Oops! I think I did something wrong. Please, delete the jopsarraactivities.wikispaces.com and if you are so kind, show me how I can add it to the right space


at 7:25 am on Feb 6, 2011


at 7:27 am on Feb 6, 2011

OK, I removed t the link. Could you show how to add the wiki's and blog's links without destroying everything. Thanks

Larisa A. Olesova said

at 5:49 pm on Feb 6, 2011

Georgia, congrats, you did it and thanks BAW mods for help, your wikispaces looks good - way to go!
mod week 4

Teresa Almeida d'Eca said

at 7:55 pm on Feb 6, 2011

Maria Bossa said

at 9:03 pm on Feb 7, 2011

Question... how do I close and publish the results of my Survey? And why was it deleted here? I didnt do it! I just added a link to my quizlet flashcards! Maria :(

MarijanaS said

at 11:50 am on Feb 9, 2011

I have add the link to my survey, it can be linked from my blog too!

Alexandra K said

at 1:09 pm on Feb 9, 2011

Hi Marijana! Just checked out your survey - seems to be working fine on my end :-)

Alexandra K said

at 1:14 pm on Feb 9, 2011

Hi Karolina! Loved your animal quiz!!!!

Darlene said

at 8:37 am on Feb 10, 2011

Hey all. I have been checking out some of your blogs and wikis and hope we can access this page in the future or have a list available if we don't have time now to read all of them and leave comments. I just wanted to make one comment about posting links to your blogs or wikis and also the links you make on your blogs and wikis. If you click on your link and then edit the link you can choose to open your link in a new window. I feel this is better for your readers and students as it will keep them on your main page of your blog or wiki so that they won't have to go back so many pages to return to themi. I find if I am checking out a link on a blog and that link takes me to a different link and so on, it's hard to navigate back on some websites, so having your links open in new windows keeps your blog open and handy for readers and students to go back to when they want to. Just a tip I learned while experimenting with my own blog and wiki. Have a great week...and thanks to all who made blogs and wikis and to the moderators and coordinators...great job.

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