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Page history last edited by Svetlana Obenausova 13 years, 7 months ago

Final Reflections




Le Penseur / The Thinker by Rodin



Remember what your profile was 6 weeks ago? Remember what your goals were?


Well, the time has come to reflect on this 5-week workshop, so the Baw 2011 team invite you to leave your thoughts, suggestions and comments about this collaborative journey. It's always nice to know what our participants think and your reflections will also help us improve Baw 2012. Thank you! :-) Tell us please: 


  • What you liked and didn't like
  • What you learned
  • What you would have liked to learn
  • What your next steps will be
  • If your goals were met
  • Any other comment you would like to share with us 


Svetlana Obenausova, Czech Republic

Dear Baw 2011 team. I attended for the second time and learnt much more than last time. The problem last year was on my side. I was too busy and also I did not accept the option of having mail sent to my mailbox individually. Daily digests are no good. This year I went through the pain of having heaps of mail in my mailbox every day and it was well-worth it. I believe the team spirit motivated me to work harder, try out things others tried out. I would only change two things in the mailing system. The answers of the week could be also uploaded to a forum, just like reading comments. It would be much better than having them in email. And the email would be reserved for participants production, comments and questions. And another thing - people do not change the subject window when they write their letters, just hit the reply button. If I wanted to find something later on, I couldn't, it was well hidden in a letter with a completely different subject.

I learnt a lot in this course, much more than I was hoping for. I am glad that I am part of this wonderful learning community and want to cooperate with others later on.  I would like to learn about other possibilities of continuous learning.

Thank you very much for your patience and constant encouragement, we surely all needed it.

Hope this is not a farewell, just a big thank you and hopefully see you and hear you soon.

I have just read Maria's posting. She was right to enter all links, so here are mine.



twitter @svetlanaobe

skype dandelion13

YM obenausova




Maria Bossa - Argentina

This is my 1st BaW and I'm extremelly happy and proud! Not only for the things I've learned but also for the wonderful people I've met. I wanna thank all of you!!

When I came here, I knew little but now... wowowowow :) I'm surprised at all I've acquired. I still need some help with Hot Potatoes, blogs and some other things but I guess this outstanding team will help me out.

It has been too much, maybe for me. When I was trying to learn one thing... another new was already there! I guess that I need time to process all the info and get used to one thing to step on to the other. But this is "my" learning processs!!

As Svetlana said, the mail thread sometimes was difficult to follow. Though I got it once a day, there were times that I got lost with all the questions, comments or doubts. I didn't know where to start. I don't even know if someone used Grouply which was also part of the session. The material was great! I've already downloaded, printed and underlined it! I'm still from the old school... "paper and pencil"! I will share the info with my classmates, and even my boss, has asked me to prepare a class for my colleagues at school to share all the websites, links and to teach them how to create a blog and a wiki (something that I still need to practise!)

Thanks to Svetlana, Marijana, Mbarek, Jose Antonio, Larissa, Fernanda, Teresa and all the other whose names I'm sure I forget for these 5 amazing learning weeks!!! I do hope we all can keep in touch to keep on learning, sharing and having fun even if we are thousands of kilometers and hours apart!

Millions of smiles to you all from Argentina, Maria :)


Facebook: http://facebook.com/maria.bossa3 


Blog: http://mariabossa.blogspot.com/

Scribd: http://scridb.com/mariabossa 

Email: teacher_mariaines@yahoo.com.ar   mariabossa1@hotmail.com

Skype: maria.bossa1

Yahoo ID: teacher_mariaines


Keep smiling! :)



 Alexandra Koukoumialou, Greece


This was my second EVO and my first BaW - and it's been an amazing five weeks!

All the passion and the enthusiasm from the moderators and fellow-partipants has been infectuous to say the least!

Although I've worked with some of these tools before, this course gave me he final nudge to start serious work on a blog! It's not ready yet as I'm still experimenting with it, but you'll be the first to know, dear BaWers!


It's been great to talk with educators from all over the world, not to mention our fabulous guests in the Live Sessions.

I do hope we'll stay in touch throughout the year and that we'll have the chance to meet online again soon.

Please feel free to visit my BaW2011 wiki http://alexandrasworkspace.pbworks.com/w/page/35121434/FrontPage - I'm still updating it with new stuff and your comments are invaluable to me!

A million thanks to our mods and to all of you for all the learning and sharing ;-)



 Marijana Smolcec - Croatia


Dear Bawers,I really didn't know what to expect when I joined my first EVO. And I am happy

I have made it till the end.  I didn't give up.Thank you for your encouragment and help.

I have learned a lot!!!

I've found my own pace on how to explore and do the activities, readings and live sessions. I am no longer a newbie, as  I think I was at the beginning.That's why I loved the readings in week 1 Nettiquette. I've send the link to most of my graduate students. They should be aware on how to behave online and not to be afraid to communicate with the teacher online.I think I was the first in my school who used Internet and email for communication with my students, at least with those who had to write graduation thesis. They didn't have to print anything and bring me to school to read, just send me an email. I even used to go on Facebook chat with them on, in the conclusion - blended learning and wasn't even aware of it! :))) Now, I know even better possibilities and will use them for sure. I opened my first Blog- still exploring, like Skype very much, still getting use to Twitter,since I am more familiar with Facebook,but when time I'll listen to Graham's presentation again. I think I will open my own Wiki soon and try to get in touch with the teachers for a Penpalling Project. I have read Tereasa's link,they have been very helpful, but still have questions.I will certainly use Tappedin and open a room on Student Campus, Jeff said he would help.I hope to join Webheds in Action from time to time on their Sunday sessions!

All in all, I have more selfconfident,and will do even more exploring by myself, this is what we are actually supposed to do.

I will certainly share this experience with my fellow collegues in the school were I work. 

I was just wandering,do we get a certificate for attending BAW2011, well I suppose we don't! It's to bad, I would like to have one so that I can show it to my headmistress how I worked on myself attending this amazing online course!

I have met so many great teachers here and will stay in touch with them.

All the best from Croatia!

Skype: mare302

Twitter: mscro1


Facebook: Marijana Smolcec     YahooID: silipa302



I have more online option then when I started this course!






Sophia Constantinou

For me baw11 was an exciting experience, which opened up a few new windows, as to where teaching of the 21st centure is heading.  I learnt a lot, although not new to technologies, I discovered and explored ways to use it in my teaching context. It gave me  a lot food for thought, for the time after to course, to reflect and choose the best way to take advantage of what I saw, discovered, and used. here I just promise to do my best in the near future by managing the knowledge acquired to better my teaching.



 Victor Kirillin Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia


This is my first BaW course and , of course,  first  I was totally stunned by the huge amount of the E-mails, here I am entirely agree with Maria Bossa. I had to assort all the posts and save them into my working computer. I thought I was diligent enough and would follow all the instructions steadily. But, alas! Nothing of the kind!!! I expected to be taught together with the false-beginning participants as I am but the most of them are fairly good tech-savvies and so, they sometimes skipped the topics I would like to be stuck longer and learn them thoroughly.

Nevertheless,  the mixing of the Newbies and the experienced listers turns out to succeed as in the blended teaching, and it is the strongest feature of this course. Where on earth can I meet the world-wide audience, honourable professors and high-education instructors ? I am a humble secondary school teacher have exchanged e-mails with emeritus professor Halima from Uzbekistan, the BaW Queens Teresa and Fernanda, the BaW Gentlemen Jose and Mbarek, and other moderators as experienced and cutting-edge Sharon with Helen and Anisoara, a first-time but always ready to help Valentina. As I belong to the Russian minority I am particularly proud of Larissa, how smart and webly skilled she is!!!

Unlike yours, my Internet is slow and inflexible, so I wasn`t able to be in the live-sessions. I used to come to school back after my work over and surf the Web till the late hours without staying at home on the weekends as well.  I enjoyed the whole course. I am sure I met my goals here. I made my first blog/wiki, made links and embeddings in them, I tried Zoomerang, HotPot, Puzzles, will train in Voki and Wallwisher, Voxopop and other available tools. Hopefully, I will be able to access to the live-sessions next time.

The most main thing for me was the communication with English-speaking people in English. We have no English speaking environment here and it was a really excellent experience for me. It goes without saying that all the skills I gained here are absolutely incredible !!!!

 Look, what interesting and sometimes awful global things have happened while we were learning the Web 2.0 tools !!!! Brasil`s flood, Tunisian revolution, and finally the Egyptian eruption !!!! And the teachers of these countries were here, in our English Village Online, wasn`t it terrific ???? We all supported them morally and they tried to survive in their homelands. It was indeed the true challenge for me, this online course !!!




Nataliya Nayavko - Novyi Rozdil, Lvivska oblast, Ukraine

It has been my first time I participated in EVO courses. I have got unforgettable experience and acquired valuable skills of using Web tools in language learning and teaching. The sessions were very useful and I will try to implement the gained knowledge into my teaching and share it with my colleagues.

Moreover, I have made new friends and experts in the field of educational Web tools and innovations.

A great thank you to all the organizers and moderators of the courses! You have done a great job! Hope we'll stay in touch.

email: nayavko@yandex.ru


Best regards, Nataliya



María Cristina Reboredo - Banfield - Buenos Aires - Argentina



I´ll miss you a lot but I´m sure I´ll soon  keep in touch with you again along this endless journey of life-long learning, as you are all enthusiastic professionals eager to acquire new knowledge.   EVO, and specially, BAW, is an unvaluable environment where knowledge, generosity and friedship mix in an amazing way .  This is my second BAW and, this time, I´ve practised many of the tools I discovered two years ago and, at the same time, I learned  bulks of  useful new things.  My aim, now, is to put them into practice in my daily teaching. So far, I haven´t used them much,  only a few blogs have worked successfully but I´m sure that, from now on, a lot of new tools will encourage my learners´ work  as much as this workshop has inspired me to create new tasks.

I cannot find anything to change or improve, I´ve found the platform easy to use and I´ve felt absolutely comfortable working with this terrific group of people from so many corners in the world.  Thank you all for so much patience, generosity and readiness, among many other virtues.  I´m sure I´ll be attending this hands-on workshop for as long as it exists, which will be ´for ever¨.   Thank you very much again and again and again.  Hugs from Argentina. Cristina.





Ayat El-Tawel (Egypt)

I'm sooo happy and excited to join this BAW course. It's my first online course and my first baw. I couldn't imagine how it would look like but I was interested in online teaching and learning and enhancing creativity in the classroom. Once I joined the course, I found lots of tech goodies falling down on me . I got so excited that I couldn't follow up with everything !

 At my pace, I read most of the readings, but couldn't share alot in the blog or forum, just shared in the group discussions and followed the wiki of course !

I was familiar with YM and skype , but knew lots of things in this course that I discovered I knew nothing before !! I heard alot about wikis and twitter before, but had no good idea about them!! thanks to u, I know them well now.

It's my first time to attend live sessions. I attended most of them . They were very useful and interactive!!

I was very hesitant to ask about things I couldn't follow up, but the great mods and Teresa on top were soo positively helpful and engouraging!! They were wonderfully friendly and supporting !! They remind me of what Bernard Meltzer said : "A true friend is someone who thinks you are an egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked." They always supported us to move ahead and feel we r

ok and will always be able to make it, whatever blocks we might face !!

I will start rereading all the materials in detail and doing all requirements. By next webhead, I hope I'll have been up to it . I'll always follow your news and the group and will be happy to keep in touch!! Love :)


Yahoo ID: tooty5979

Skype: ayat.tawel

Facebook: Ayat Tawel

Twitter: @ayatawel






Olena Crawford, Winston-Salem, NC, USA

Thank you so much, everybody, for an eye-opening experience. This was my first time participation in the BAW course.

As a newcomer I found the course to be overwhelming at first, but very informative and structurally well-organized. I enjoyed the live sessions - a few that I could attend - especially the one with Claudio Azevedo. I have not had time to create my blog and a wiki for my students, but the knowledge I received here will make it possible in the nearest future. I liked that the moderators promptly posted everything, and I hope you will keep all the info for a while so that we can go back and review everything again.

Thanks again, I have learnt a lot and will continue to explore the roads you opened for us. I  hope to see you all next year and will be planning more free time to do all the hands-on stuff the course offered and to communicate with the participants ( which I regret of not having done much this time).  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Yahoo ID: olenadc

Skype: crawfordo




(Photo)   (Name and feedback)





Comments (5)

Maria Bossa said

at 11:48 pm on Feb 10, 2011

Thanks Marijana for the help!! Smiles, Maria :)

Vicinnkir said

at 11:07 am on Feb 13, 2011

Hello, I couldn`t insert my photo, I did all the steps required, though. My three photos were uploaded up there, sorry, please, delete them, if you can, I failed to delete them. I`d like to leave the smaleest of them, then.
Thank you,

Fernanda Rodrigues said

at 11:59 am on Feb 13, 2011

Hi Victor
I inserted your picture. You should use jpg files instead of bmp. I'll email the group with details.

Fernanda Rodrigues said

at 12:03 pm on Feb 13, 2011

I forgot to say, what a great reflection, Victor! :)

Vicinnkir said

at 4:56 am on Feb 14, 2011

Hello, Fernanda,
Thanks a lot for inserting my image, now it fits my reflection.

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