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Saved by Teresa Almeida d'Eca
on February 12, 2011 at 4:26:55 pm


Graduation Party Time !


"What are the ingredients for a perfect Graduation Party ? – all our wonderful participants of course !



But you can't arrive at a party empty-handed !

Flowers, drinks, food, cards, messages, chocolates, music, songs, suprise gifts are all welcome !

(especially chocolates for me !)

So let's get creative. Share your virtual present with the group!

If you can't make it on Sunday – leaving your virtual gift here is your way of being with us !!



Dear Bawers,

I will be away all weekend - an Italian course this time,

so unless the party takes place Sunday late afternoon my time, I cannot attend.

I will be with you in my heart though and will continue studying and practicing,

and mainly disseminating all I have learnt here in ICT courses for teachers.

My big thanks go to our moderators who helped me a great deal.

I cannot send you flowers from our garden, so at least a winter scene from our place.

There is a link to a voki I created for you underneath my picture.

Big hug to all of you from Svetlana









Hello dear Webheads!                                                                              

It's been a wonderful 5 weeks and I sure learnt a lot from you :-)

I'm down with the flu right now and my energy levels are quite low,                

so I may not make it to the party.                  

Anyway, there's one thing I feel I have to say ...















Dear webheads!!


It was really amazing to be with you throughout these 5 weeks. I hope we can keep in touch and exchanging some ideas and sharing lots of information!!!!  Kisses to you all!  

Helen, here are your chocolates!!!

Patricia Ceola   from Brazil   :)



Hi Bawers, I can't believe this course has already come to an end!

I feel like I've  known you for ages. It was great to be a part of this phenomenal

group and to meet so many teacher from all around the world.

Big thx to this year's baw team, Teresa, Sharon,Fernanda, Jose Antonio, Mbarek, Larrisa, Anisoara,Helene, sorry if I have forgotten somebody, This newbie is no longer a newbie!!!

Let's party!!!! Helene, I hope you like the cake! And champagne!!! :)) Best wishes to all the

participants Marijana - silipa (Croatia)





Dear Moderators and Bawers:

Thank you so much for these five weeks. I enjoy every online and offline session with you.

I hope that we can continue to share our knowledge and information through Yahoo Groups, wiki and forum!

Here are some mandarin oranges for you! Happy Chinese New Year! Happy Graduation!!

Yoon (Malaysia) 




These are Romanian 'mici'(meat rolls). We eat them at garden parties and picnics. They go well with lots of beer! Let me know how you liked them. Anisoara 

Mici Menu at Curtea Berarilor 


Dear moderators and all Bawers,



These were 5 great weeks!!! This webinar was very educational but most of all everybody was friendly, patient and helpfull. It was a great pleasure to be part of this amazing community!


Now, help yourselves with delicious Croatian chocolate and tasty wine !     


 Thank you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

     :) :) :) :)

Kindly yours,

Karolina De Vrgna



My dear friends... It's been a great pleasure to meet, share, learn and have fun with all of you during these 5 weeks!! It's been amazing, outstanding and wonderful! I do hope we all keep in touch! My respects to all of you, my bows to all of you and my smiles to all of you! Love, Maria :) 





PRESENTS....... LET'S PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Can't join you, unfortunately, but hope you enjoy watching and listening to this - Have fun!

Thanks to everyone! (there's always a reason to come back at least from time to time)

                                                                                                             Best, from Nadia




My dear Beloved BaWers and Moderators !!!

These incredible five weeks have decorated a lot my life routine. I used the digital supplies in my teaching activities but I`ll try to blend my classes from now on. It was a great opportunity and a real challenge for me, indeed !

Here is the Siberian delicacy called “Stroganina”, in English it means “sliced frozen meat or fish. Enjoy !




Dear moderators, dear Bawers,

This was my second time in EVO and again I enjoyed the course even if I had not enough time to do all the assignements ! I know it's not a problem , we'll all have plenty of time to experiment in the near future and we can all keep in touch.

Here's my virtual gift for the moderators and all of you !

Sonia C  (France)







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